Sunday 7 April 2013

LSD Trip Report - Wales 2003

Right, to start my blog off, I'll post this old trip report... I'll update every so often with what I've been doing lately / what's happened to me since 2003! (Which is quite a lot!)
Also, there's a little bit more I need to add to the bottom of this...

LSD Trip Report - Wales 2003

A few years ago I took acid in Wales, my friends & I hired this big secluded cottage near the side of cliff specifically to get blasted out of our minds there.
I think it was the end of April, possibly May. The mornings were crisp and fresh and during the day it would become very warm but being where we were it was pretty much always fucking windy and rather bracing.

It was on a Monday (the exact date escapes me now) at dawn, at around 5am when my friends (including a sober trip-sitter) and I trudged down the road from our cottage and conducted a ceremony on a sandy Welsh beach. The ceremony was our latter day interpretation of some Mayan (or was it Olmec or Toltec or whatever?) ritual. We numbered 4. We dug a hole in the sand and we all 'gave' part of ourselves to it with the intention of 'cleaning' or 'purifying' ourselves for the trip. What we gave of ourselves was also our gift to 'The God/s' (aka Gaia, Mother Earth, Sun, Moon, The Galaxy, The Universe etc. etc.) so 'They'/'It' knew we were humbling 'Them'/'It' when we took our acid. Basically, we'd planned the day and I remember that the day we did it was significant for some reason - equinox or full moon or something like that. It was a gift to say 'Be kind and gentle with us, bless our trip - please don't kick our fucking ass!'...
We all threw something that belonged to us into the hole and said 'bye' to it. I threw in the recepticle that held my dope, another friend threw in a pair of his glasses. I can't remember what the other two guys put in. We then filled the hole back in and began a chant, it was something like 'Look upon us and bless this, our healing day'. Once we recited the chant a few times we all ate our acid. We had also fasted the evening before so that our empty stomachs would eagerly ingest the LSD.

I ate 10 VERY strong tabs (I had 4 different varieties of blotters!) and 5 drops of liquid. My friends kept to their respective doses of about 3 or 4 tabs and maybe someone had a bit of liquid. As a result of my dose I ended up being, maybe not necessarily higher than anybody else as such but higher for longer than anybody else.

We started walking across the sand to nowhere in particular, all of us giggling about the ceremony, silently wondering to ourselves whether it would work and when the acid would kick in. Before we'd dropped, my friend Dave mentioned that one of the 'signs' these ancient shaman used to look for was a rainbow - mystical, elegant, beautiful, from the Heavens - obviously a blessing!
As we were walking down the beach I began to feel the acid notch up a gear. The first thing I always feel from the acid is the way it affects my breathing - Big, slow, long breaths. And with every breath the psychdelic wave would wash through me, deeper and deeper as I drifted further and further 'away' from my body. It was almost like you're body's getting ready for autopilot mode with just the basic safety device functions fired up since there was going to be no-one at the wheel very soon. The first hallucinations started for all of us within 15-20 minutes. I noticed the wet sand reflecting the early morning sun and clear neon blue sky, and as I looked more intently I noticed oily rainbow-blue spirals appearing before my eyes casting a kaleidoscopic effect across the whole beach.
I remember thinking to myself 'Fucking hell, this IS quick!'...

At the end of the beach was a rocky peninsula which was part of the same cliff where our cottage was located. We climbed to the very end of the rocky outcropping laughinghysterically, and sat where the sea lapped at our shoes where we watched the Sun rise. It was at this point where time just got completely lost. One or two of us must have sat there for at least an hour or more, just giggling and crying with laughter 'This is absurd! You've got to laugh!'. And so we did, for what seemed like hours.

I sat on the edge of the rocks with James, our sober trip-sitter, looking out to sea. My friend's, Adam and Dave, weren't coping too well with the speed with which the acid had come on and had either wandered back to the cottage or returned to the beach. They were having a head-fuck. Having a bad time thinking about the ceremony we'd done. As far as I was concerned, all was well and abso-fucking-lutely brilliant. They, on the other hand were worried we hadn't closed the ceremony correctly and linked their bad thoughts to the 'Pit Of Shit' we had created. I couldn't understand why they were having a bad time dealing with it, and as I say, I felt great. They kept on going over what the ceremony was about and I was starting to feel a bit pissed off with them as was James. How dare they try and bring ME down with THEIR problem! I am beyond THIS!   

Things were starting to get very psychedelic when I noticed the rocks we were sitting on had bark and wood grain running through them. We had actually camped ourselves on a powerful natural grounding site - right on top of a fossilized forest! It was absolutely beautiful, looking at the rocks and literally seeing trees in them. I must add that all the while everything was undulating and squiggling around, and the edges of objects had a bright yellow and blue hue to them (I was not seeing this fossilized forest in my trip, James confirmed what I saw). And then it happened.

Out to sea, in the middle of the horizon was a rainbow. A fucking rainbow! That was it, my trip was definitely being blessed oh yeah baby! Seeing that rainbow and knowing what Dave had said beforehand made me even more over the moon! It was so intense, feeling all mystical and elated. The God/s HAVE blessed us! Totally exhilarating. Meanwhile, my trip notched up yet another gear. But I just went along with it like a feather drifting on the wind... no need for any anxiety or worrying... after all, my trip had been blessed.

I was beginning to peak and I felt like going back to the cottage so James & I began the short walk back. I'm pretty sure this is when my ego had completely dissolved - I felt like I had a lizard brain, basic functions only! Almost like I was being stripped of a few senses for a while. I couldn't quite recognize my surroundings or myself. I had dirt and sand all over me and I looked pretty fucking wasted. You know, with that far-away vacant look in the eyes, like you're seeing through something. I remember some people on the beach giving me odd looks but I didn't give a flying fuck what I looked like or how I was acting (I was laughing hysterically).

So I stumbled back to the cottage. When I got there I remember spending a bit of time looking in the mirror watching my face morph at random. From what I recall I then went to my bedroom and spent some time lying down, trying to rest. But my head was just, like racing with kaleidoscopic visions. I got out some pens and paper and started doodling and trying to write lyrics or poems, ha! None of those ramblings survived so they couldn't have been any good! Probably they were embarrassing! 
 I was still laughing and giggling like a child when James came into my room with his camera and took a snap of me. I was laughing and screaming at him "You see? YOU SEE?" whilst pointing to some bizarre throwaway doodle. In the picture I look sooooo gone! I really do look like a child in it! I'm clutching and pointing at my notepad, my eyes are glazed but sparkling and I was bouncing about with a big smile on my face, tears streaming from my eyes. I would post the pic up but it was unfortunately ruined at my friends' place in a house fire. 
After an hour or so monging out at the cottage I returned to the beach. Returning to the spot on the rocky outcrop where we had been earlier. It was now drizzling a fine mist and I was still riding high, peaking. The drizzle looked like scintilating diamonds. It was at this moment, in the cold and rain with the waves crashing at my feet, when I had a sort of, well, it was like I was being shown something and understanding the meaning as it is revealed. I could see the wind. Like the warm currents you can see in a bowl of water, I could see the currents of the wind or rather, the energy yielded by the wind. I could see these currents pushing down onto the water in the bay creating a swell which would tumble onto the beach as a wave, but then I would see the energy continue to tumble across the beach and smash into the cliff, the green-ness of the cliff swayed to the rhythmic poundings in perfect exquisite timing. 
I realised what I was watching was a small sample of the invisible kinetic forces of Earth at work. I was shown the evaporation of the crashing waves, I watched as tiny water droplets ascended from the beach, rising up above the cliffs. And  I watched as the droplets condensed into clouds upon the hills which then rolled back over the rocky outcrop where the very same water molecules I watched come from the beach rained back down on me. It felt absolutely magical. I felt absolutely magical! I was still laughing and grinning like a loon all the way through this, I had not one inkling of a bad vibe. 
It must have been around 11am or so by now and the rain had now suddenly cleared up. Blue skies and hot sunshine!  After spending some time boiling in the sun I decided again to go back to the cottage (I can't remember if anybody was actually with me but I know we would at different times gravitate towards a group mentality and flock together as one, but then we would peel away doing our independent thing if we so desired). 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I love reading trip reports. It reminds me of one time I was tripping and I came across a wooden bed frame. I saw the rings swirl and felt the water that had been sucked up when the wood was green. Anyway, I'm super jealous about that rainbow. Was it real?
